There is a lot of information out there about mental health. There are studies done all of the time. New ways of improving mental health, new forms of mental illness, and studies that seek to bring understanding to a topic many overlook, or even disregard entirely.
Part One of our mission is to gather current information in all areas regarding mental health. We will take this information and break it down into easy to understand blogs, podcasts, infographics, and videos so that people can learn and share this knowledge.
Our Mission
Bring People Together
The real world around us is a mess right now. A pandemic sweeps the world and we are all confined at home for our own safety and that of others. This is necessary. This is not forever.
Once this time passes, we will need to focus even more on how to connect with each other in a healthy way. We need to communicate in ways that lift people up, not bring them down. I think that this time away from others will give some perspective to everyone and we should be ready to build those bridges of in person communication once again.
There will be roadblocks and hurdles, apprehension, after all the emphasis around staying distant from one another. That is okay. It is expected. Working through this will be one of the focuses.
As we work through this and move into our new normal, our mission will be to organize and support the organization of events which bring people together in a way that promotes healthy communication, meeting new people, blending social groups, etc. We will have a broad mandate. If we feel it will do the most good to support an event, fundraising effort, or so on, we will do so.
We will work with local communities to put together the resources needed to help the event happen and to document the efforts so that they can be shared for the world to see. This may mean a film crew, photographers, news reporters, local bloggers, and whatever means we can arrange that will do good. Keep an eye on our events page for upcoming and completed events.
Start Conversations
Our flagship "Just Say Hey" program will help create opportunities for people to start a conversation with each other. We will offer products which will indicate that the person is open to talk to and sometimes it will show what interests them; a conversation starter. When you see someone with one of our shirts, buttons, hats, anything at all, that is your chance to say Hey!
We will use viral marketing, celebrity shoutouts, Facebook ads, and any other means we are capable of to get this initiative well known. The more people see what the logo means, the more communication we will see.
Of course, not all communication is in person. This is why we will be hosting podcasts with people of all walks of life and career. We will also give people the forum to share their stories.
We are not here to counsel, we are here to listen, share, and learn. Come join us. Just say "hey!".
To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different in the way we perceive the world and use this understanding as a guide to our communication with others.
- Tony Robbins -